Posts in micromanagers

See the latest news in Life Sciences, Consumer Packaged Goods, and Supply Chain Logistics from Top Quality Recruitment.

Medical Affairs personnel standing in a laboratory.
In the complex world of healthcare and pharmaceuticals, medical affairs play a crucial role. It brings together scientific discoveries and practical medical use.
Two employees engaged in a discussion about clinical research and reviewing data in a laboratory.
This guide will explore every facet of clinical research in 2024, from the fundamentals of clinical trials to career opportunities and industry insights.
Employee gathering illustrating the stress caused by micromanagement.
Micromanagement is a problem that exists in all workplaces. While it often flies under the radar, its effects are critical.
Employees doing there responsibilites properly.
Find all the best QA knowledge in one place whether you're just starting to learn about quality assurance or delving into industry-specific details.
8 Must-Have Skills for Leading Pharmaceutical Sales Teams (2024)
A skilled sales team leader possesses a unique set of qualities that inspire and empower their team to achieve greatness.
Medical Devices Manager Stressed while staring at laptop.
One of the critical aspects that significantly impact operational efficiency is workload balance.
How AI and Automation are Changing the CPG Industry
AI and Automation are reshaping the landscape of the CPG industry. Learn how to stay in the top 1% of companies.
Optimizing Vendor Management Strategies in Plant Operations
Effective vendor management is a critical aspect of plant operations, influencing everything from cost efficiency to overall productivity.
Navigating Regulatory Challenges in the Medical Device Industry
In the fast-paced and ever-evolving landscape of the medical device industry, companies face a myriad of challenges, with regulatory compliance standing out as a top concern.
Plant Management Embracing Digital Transformation: Navigating the Future of Industrial Operations
Plant managers are embracing digital transformation and navigating the path toward a more connected and intelligent future.
Creating a Safer Workplace: Health & Safety Guidelines for Plant Management
Plant management plays a pivotal role in establishing and maintaining health and safety standards to protect both employees and the overall operation.
Why Employees Prefer Email Over Meetings & Chat
Recent studies indicate that email continues to be the preferred communication method for many employees in this sector,
Balancing Workload-The Key to Plant Management Success
Plant managers know that a plant is a complex operation - relying on a strong, dependable workforce capable of operating efficiently.
How to Find the Perfect Candidate in the Life Sciences Industry
In the rapidly evolving landscape of life sciences, HR professionals face unique challenges in recruiting and retaining top talent.
The Future of Recruitment in the Life Sciences Sector
Discover the future of recruitment inside the Life Sciences industry and how to find candidates in the changing landscape.
6 Common Reasons for Miscommunication in the Life Sciences Industry
In this blog post, we will explore 6 common reasons for miscommunication at work and provide insights on how to address them.
How to Create a Life Sciences Employee Compensation Package
In the life sciences industry, employee compensation is pivotal in attracting, retaining, and motivating exceptional talent.
How to Hire and Retain a Diverse Workforce in the Life Sciences Industry
It is essential for employers in the Life Sciences industry to understand and embrace employee diversity. Recruiting and retaining a diverse team can deliver numerous benefits, including improved innovation, creativity, and overall company performance.
Empowering Managers in the Life Sciences Industry to Inspire and Motivate Their Teams
In the life sciences industry, effective leadership is paramount to success. Managers play a pivotal role in guiding their teams towards the achievement of goals, ensuring operational efficiency, and fostering a supportive work environment.
A group of coworkers collaborating on a task.
In the evolving landscape of the life sciences industry, the foundation of success lies in effective communication and collaboration.
Enhancing Job Satisfaction in the Life Sciences Industry
n the life sciences industry. Ensuring that employees are content in their roles is vital for motivating, engaging, and maintaining a productive workforce.
Top Quality Recruitment HR Trends
HR will continue to play a critical role, we will explore the top HR trends that employers and employees can expect to see this year.
Why You Feel Stressed at Work in the Life Sciences Industry and How to Overcome It
In today's fast-paced Life Sciences industry, stress is an inevitable part of our lives. Whether it is meeting tight pharmaceutical development deadlines, handling heavy workloads in health research, or dealing with challenging colleagues in medical device manufacturing, work-related stress can take a toll on our physical and mental well-being.
4-Day Workweek Mean Longer Office Hours?
As the workplace continues to evolve, the concept of a four-day workweek has gained popularity. But does this mean longer office hours?
5 Ways to Improve Your Resume for a Life Sciences Role
In the competitive realm of life sciences, your resume serves as the initial point of contact with prospective employers.
Top Negotiation Tactics in a Life Sciences Job Offer
Once you have reached the negotiation phase, it's essential to consider various elements beyond your salary to ensure that your compensation package aligns with your expectations and the demands of the role.
Recognizing and Overcoming Burnout in the Life Sciences Industry
In today's fast-paced life sciences industry, burnout has become a common issue that affects many professionals.
How to Retain Your Best Talent in the Life Sciences Industry
Employee retention is one of the biggest challenges facing organizations today, especially in the dynamic field of the life sciences industry.
How to Empower Your Life Sciences Workforce
Empowering your life sciences workforce is critical in an environment where health and medical advances are constantly changing.
How to Hire the Right Employee in Life Sciences?
In the field of life sciences, providing valuable insights and practical strategies for organizations seeking to build a strong driven workforce.
Enhancing Team Productivity in the Life Sciences Industry
Motivating and maximizing the productivity of your team requires specialized strategies and approaches.
How to Enhance Employee Engagement in the Life Sciences Industry
Employee engagement is a critical aspect of success within the life sciences industry.
How to Cope with a Layoff in the Life Sciences Industry
Layoffs have become an unfortunate reality for many companies including in the life sciences industry.
Coworkers in formal attire raising their fists in celebration.
The job market is constantly evolving with new trends and opportunities emerging. In this blog, we will explore the top employment trends.
Navigating the Pros and Cons of a 4-Day Work Week in the Life Sciences Industry
In the past recent years, remote work has become a standard practice, and many companies, including those in the life sciences industry, are transitioning to make it a permanent feature.
5 Ways to Make Employees Feel Respected in the Life Sciences Industry
In the demanding realm of the life sciences industry, respect in the workplace is a fundamental element of a thriving and productive team.
Enhancing Mental Health in the Life Sciences Industry
The creeping stress associated with the lifestyle have raised concerns about mental health in the life sciences industry
Make a Great First Impression in Life Sciences and Medical Interviews
The difference between a bad first interview and a great first interview lies in five simple tips that will leave a lasting impression.
Optimizing Your Resume for Success in the Life Sciences Industry
In today's competitive job market, it's crucial to ensure your resume stands out when applying for positions in the life sciences industry.
Laptop sitting on a desk with the heading TQR University
As part of an ongoing dedication to professional development and upskilling, Top Quality Recruitment has announced TQR University. A new internal training program for TQR employees to enrich their learning, broaden their experience with the company, and further their career.
A group of workers collaborating.
More than ever, uncertainty about the future is a concern for both individuals and organizations.  We all need to remain adaptive. Creating […]
A woman interviewing for a corporate job across from tw hiring managers.
With unemployment rates edging down to 6.0 percent and 916,000 jobs created, we see continual growth month-over-month.
Band members on stage with guitars and drums.
Companies take the candidate almost entirely at their word. But aren't the candidate's doing the same thing? It's time to rethink your hiring process.
An employee sitting at an outdoor cafe working on a laptop.
In February 2021, employment rose by 379,000, with the unemployment rate only slightly changed to 6.2%. The market stats released by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics show that the labor market continues to be impacted by the effects of COVID-19.
Coworkers grabbing coffee while chatting about work.
Today is Bell Let's Talk Day! An initiative to end the stigma around mental health. The issue of mental health amid COVID-19 and so many employees working from home, dealing with a sense of isolation is now more critical than ever.
Corporate Office with whiteboard and various business graphics and a ping pong paddle on the table.
I distinctly remember walking through offices with ping pong tables, lunch cafes, and fringe benefits that made offices look like social venues.
A pile of leaves in autumn.
As strange as it sounds, the darker things get, the more profound the bright side will be coming out the other side.
A woodworker with a mask on sitting at a table with a laptop
Recent studies indicate that difficulties and changes in the workplace have not harmed workplace resilience. The opposite held. In many cases, the more changes workers experienced in their environment due to COVID, the more resilient they became.
Rethink your hiring process in the corporate world
I've often thought about the value of in-person interviews. How could you possibly get to know someone in 45-minutes, an hour, even a few hours? How could you make a judgment about a person you've spent so little time with?
A man in a minimal white office sitting at a desk with a laptop.
A longstanding belief in HR and recruitment is the stigma of unemployed candidates. This has got to end.
An abstract look at a city with blue light reflections on the window.
The number one conversation in recruiting is the effect of AI on the recruitment process. Is it proven enough the embrace wholeheartedly?
Distanced interview in life sciences and pharmaceutical industry with candidate wearing a mask.
My prediction for 2021? Innovation will continue and indeed accelerate.
An employee sitting alone in a boardroom focused on a laptop.
Remote employees, be diligent, and on the lookout! Toxic employees have not entirely gone away they've just taken a step back to regroup.
A woman looking at a screen
No surprise that time management is the number one desired skill while working from home.
Two business reports on a desk.
Remember that we search for qualifications, we do not search for words like "Team Player". It isn't any less important, just less noticeable.
A calendar showing the month of September
We're in the middle of a pandemic that is affecting our personal and professional life. But this isn’t the 2008 recession, and we can’t pretend like it is.
A candidate on a virtual interview with the hiring manager taking notes.
In this midst of this pandemic, the new scary for many candidates is the dreaded Zoom, Skype, or Facetime interview. Here's how to overcome it.
Maximize Your Resume Visibility in the Life Sciences Job Market
LinkedIn recently reported a notable uptick in remote hiring across the nation. With an expanding job market and a larger talent pool, employers face the dual challenge of sifting through numerous resumes while job seekers encounter increased competition for prospective positions.
An open sign on a window
Notable increases in employment for Healthcare, Transportation and Warehousing, Manufacturing and Professional Services.
A poll vote asking whether employees prefer to work from home or the office.
With very mixed feedback, it occurred to us that the solution between office and work from home could be on a spectrum.
An employee giving a presentation in their managers office.
Unemployment decreases to 8.4%, average workweek increases and job seekers outlook is beginning to increase.
A man looking stressed at his laptop.
Salary expectations are among one of the top surprises for Candidates and Employers alike. The enemy of surprise is preparation.
Group of Warehouse workers standing together as a team each wearing masks.
There were notable gains in month over month employment for leisure and hospitality, government, retail trade, professional and business services, other services and health care.
A woman wearing a mask at a park.
While some industries still feel the affects of COVID-19, others are on the rise. Here’s how employment changed in June 2020.
A couch in a minimal living room
A recent survey released by buffer details that 99% of employees want to work from home but also voice some of their concerns about the logistics.
A birds eye view of employees at a cafe
Last week's results showed a 1.4% increase in employment accounting for 2.5 million jobs. Here's the top affected industries.
Four workers smiling in a meeting at an office.
While April unemployment was at a significant spike, a recent survey shows confidence levels from -100 to +100 by industry.
Two employees shaking hands over a laptop
According to a recent survey, 65% of employers are still hiring in some capacity.
Two employees meeting over coffee.
Year-over-year we see some significant changes across many core industries - with construction and business services most impacted.
A man standing on a cliff over the sunset
According to the Wall Street Journal, over 100,000 small businesses have closed due to the Pandemic. Here’s three primary factors for survivability in this challenging business climate.
A woman working from home on her couch.
62% of Americans are on WFH detail with studies showing they actually work harder that way. Should employers be considering a permanent WFH solution?
Two workers shaking hands over a coffee on a desk.
With job losses at a record breaking high (20 million), here’s what jobs are most in demand right now.
A man on a laptop having an interview
Here are the best video platforms for your distanced interviews that won't compromise security.
A promotional banner of Eric Ennis guest lecture Finding and Keeping a Good Job
I gave a guest lecture to current college students on Finding and Keeping a Good Job.
TQR Cover Photo - Building Quality Teams no matter how remote
Our cover photo has a new addition of "No Matter How Remote". We add this section as a form of reassurance to our clients that our main priority has not changed, even though our environment has.
Woman looking at laptop communicating with coronavirus patient | Top Quality Recruitment
Remote work is here, but in this high tech era, have we continued to foster an environment that is also high touch, or have we left it behind?
Top Quality Recruitment Managing Remote Team Blog
If you are effective, you can do this business from anywhere in the world and not lose an ounce of productivity. You can be more productive from home as offices offer distractions of their own. Here are five things that stand out for me that may help other leaders who are managing remote staff.
A man sitting on a patio with a laptop
Whether you’re an employer or a candidate, it’s important that you keep these things in mind when engaging in a new position. Here's 5 tips I've looked for when recruiting and evaluating candidates.
A woman wearing a mask
One of the top job postings outside the medical field includes a company seeking a communications consultant who can write content about the outbreak.
Beyond Meat Beyond Burger
A report published by the Good Food Institute and Plant Based Foods Association shows a growth rate of 11 percent in the plant-based food industry.
Dog Food on a stand
From FritoLays to Mars Wrigley, here are 7 trends that have done exceptionally well in the packaging industry in the last year.
Two employees working in an industrial environment
“I haven’t seen anything to indicate that there’s any impact on the labor market at this point in time,” - Mark Zandi, Chief Economist
Considering Flexible Work Options | Top Quality Recruitment
The number one benefit you can offer your employees is time. Which work-life balance option works best for your team when giving the gift of time?
A woman looking stressed at an interview with two hiring managers.
We all have a habit of judging based on first impression. Here's why you should break the habit.
A vacant open concept office.
While the smaller companies could not quite compete from a compensation perspective, they had much more flexibility for employees.
Employees putting their hands in to the center over a desk.
Here’s a look at some critical elements of a winning culture that foster employees that are engagement and last.
A woman on a call holding an iPad
Here’s a full list of benefits employers are considering in 2020. They’re not all conventional but they are retaining employees, and attracting candidates.
A man in a suite explaining something at his desk
We’ve broken down the 5 key steps to determining a fair salary for your next position. These steps lead to a salary that aligns with the industry and is uniquely competitive.
Medical and Pharmaceutical Recruiters in the Office
Here are the trends happening within the hiring industry, set to make the largest impact in 2020.
A transportation image
U-Haul is no longer hiring nicotine users in these select 21 American states in interest of establishing a healthy corporate culture.
Two employees sitting in a board room speaking casually.
I interview a lot of candidates on a regular basis, and one of my favourite questions to ask is "Why do you want to work here?"
A man playing hockey
"Competition has shown to be useful up to a certain point and no further, but cooperation, which is the thing we must strive for today, begins where competition leaves off." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Employee huddle cultivating culture
Employees are inspired when given trust and a positive culture. And when Employees are inspired, magic happens.
Man looking for the best candidate
We’ve broken down the top 3 factors for finding the best candidate in this market including your job posting, interview process, and benefits package.
Thinking about changing positions
take the time to know what you want in your next career move, ask a lot of questions, review the details, and seize the right opportunity when it comes your way.
Why we choose our clients
"There's no way I could send a candidate here." - A recruiter's story of why we select our clients, rather than taking every client that pops up.
Hiring Slow is Bad for Business Feature
A long drawn out interview process can lead to missing out on the best candidate, and is ultimately bad for business. Here's why.
Interview Question Blog Feature
Most candidates know they need to ask questions during interviews but some questions are just hard to ask. I call these pin questions. Pin questions float like an invisible balloon in the interview room and candidates hesitate to ask them.
3 Secrets Ever Job Seeker Needs to Know
Looking for a job has become more complex than its ever been. Technology has brought about tremendous change in the recruitment process and knowing the following 3 hidden rules in a job search will help you come out with flying colours.
Hot Seat Graphic
The dictionary describes an interview as a formal meeting in which one or more persons question, consult, or evaluate another person.
Consumer Packaged Goods Employer Handshake in Interview with Candidate
The hot seat is sizzling and it is time to prepare our material for the dozen questions you will need to master for your interview. After all, you only have one chance to make a great first impression!
Find Your Dream Job
Confucius said, do what you love you will never work a day in your life. We’ve all heard this many times and while it’s a wonderful thought I don’t believe its all that true. I say that because I know from experience that all jobs done well are simply hard work, that’s exactly what makes them stand out amongst all the jobs that are accomplished in mediocrity safely inside our comfort zone.
Striving for the Top
If you are not moving, then you are not going forward.